War-Den obtained this silver candlestick direct from the Werlin family. Its hand made and the underside of the base you can still see the paining marks caused by the silversmiths hammer. Its engraved AH and was in the Werlin family around 80 years before we obtained it. It is of an extremely high quality, beautifully made by a very skilled silversmith. As yet the silver marks I have not been able to identify but they do look very similar to the silver produced by Lutz & Weiss – Pforzheim near Stuttgart.

This candlestick was one of a pair given to Hitler at the end of the 20s, the source and whereabouts of the second candlestick are unknown. Hitler gifted the pair to Werlin at the begining of the 30s. At the foot of the stem you can see the engraved “AH” in Gothic flowing style.

Jakob Werlin (10 May 1886, in Andritz – 23 September 1965, in Salzburg) was an Austrian auto salesman who worked primarily in Germany. Due to his early contact with Adolf Hitler, he became an honorary SS leader and Hitler’s primary interface with the Daimler-Benz company.

In 1934 Werlin became a member of the Nazi Party and a confidant of Hitler. Along with Ferdinand Porsche, Werlin was involved with Hitler’s attempt to build the People’s Car (Volkswagen).

Although placed in an American internment camp until 1948, Werlin survived the war.

The candlestick will clean to pristine condition if desired by any new owner. Presently the patina is a patchy blue colour but certainly this can all be removed. On the hand knurled areas it does show wear of many years of cleaning, but this does give a solid assurance that the piece is from the time informed by the relatives of Werlin.

Fine quality and rarely do you see silver produced like this in the last 50 years.