Welcome to the Homepage of War-Den. We are collectors ourselves with over 40 years of experience. We pride ourselves in our customer service and operate always with the highest professional ethics, it’s the foundation stone of our company.
You will find many unique items on our War-Den pages. Rest assured that all our customers will be treated with the same dedicated customer care whether you spend £5.00 or £5,000.
War-Den will endeavour to answer all emails within 24 hours. If you wish to discuss any item by phone we are available between 07.00 am to 21.00 pm GMT seven days a week. War-Den have censored any symbol that may cause offence, but would be only too happy to send additional photos by email of any item to any interested party, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.
When you view our items for the best possible experience, please first click on the eye, then details and then scroll down to click on full details. You will see you will have the facility to magnify any image, but if you wish to view a larger image, then simply click on any single image in the items gallery. War-Den hopes you will find your visits to our pages pleasant and easy.
War-Den will announce on our Blog when and which military fairs we will be attending. Please approach us to say hello we will be only too happy to meet you in person.
Happy Collecting.
War-Den Team.
Browse the collection of our Special Items. Please feel free to phone or email us to discuss any particular item within this section, we would be only two happy to discuss further.
All new products that arrive to War-Den will be listed below on a weekly update.
War-Den will announce on our Blog upcoming fairs we will attend and any interesting military collector related news. Shortly we will be posting video links to interesting interviews, events and visits to historic places from WW1 & WW2
Ⓒ War-Den.com. All Rights Reserved.
All images on this site are the property of War-Den.com.
Any copying for purposes of profit are strictly forbidden. If you would like a copy for research or teaching purposes please contact us.
Website by artamax.com
War-Den.com does not have any affiliation with any future, present or past political parties or military organisations. The items we offer, are intended for collectors of war memorabilia and for historical or research purposes.
War-Den does not support, sympathize, promote, or tolerate any form fascism or pro-Nazi statements or ideology.
We strongly prohibit statements and sentiments that may glorify or promote the ideals of Totalitarianism.
We wish to promote a passion for collecting in the hobby we love and to provide the very highest ethics and integrity to our dealership and customers.